Our team

Doctor Daniela Papurova

Doctor Daniela Papurova graduated Sofia Medical University with a Master degree in dental medicine in 2013. She is interested in paediatric dental medicine and periodontics. She is part of the Koronadent team since 2013 and practices in both Lozenetz and Kokalyane dental clinics.

Doctor Svetlana Spasova - Apari

Doctor Svetlana Spasova – Apari graduated Sofia Medical Academy with a first class degree in stomatology in 1985.

She specialised dental surgery in Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany in 1991/92.

Doctor Spasova has a degree in general dental medicine from Sofia Medical University with a special interest in dental surgery which she practices since 1992.

Currently her main practice is in Antalya, Turkey. She is often travelling to Bulgaria and practices in both the Lozenetz and Kokalyane clinics.

Doctor Sophia Caneva - Jostova

Doctor Sofia Tzaneva – Jostova graduated Sofia Medical University as a dental medic in 2013. She is interested in endodontics and aesthetic dental medicine. She joined Koronadent team in 2019 and practices in the Lozenetz clinic.